Martin Camargo’s edition and translation of the Tria sunt (a late fourteenth-century rhetorical treatise written in Latin) will be a staple for specialists in medieval rhetoric as well as for those early in their study. The Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library series as a whole is excellent, and this volume is no exception. A functional edition and translation would have sufficed, since no full edition as yet existed, but what impressed me most about the volume is its balance: the textual apparatus is rich enough for advanced work, while the approachability of the introduction, translation, and general layout make it suitable for those new to the subject.
Overall, Camargo’s edition and translation is an essential volume for students and scholars of medieval rhetoric and the literary culture of late fourteenth- and early fifteenth-century England. It will pave the way for further research and publication on the Tria sunt and its contexts.
Katherine E. C. Willis
The Medieval Review