Review: The Old English Pastoral Care
The Old English Pastoral Care, edited by R. D. Fulk, is a new edition and facing-page translation of the Old English version of Gregory the Great’s Regula pastoralis. The original Latin text is, in Fulk’s words, “an account of the qualities required of a bishop and of the best methods to be employed in dealing with the diverse sorts of people under a bishop’s care.” The Old English version, produced in the late ninth century, was distributed with a prefatory letter,
Review: Appendix Ovidiana
Die Reihe “Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library” veröffentlicht wichtige mittelalterliche Texte aus dem mittellateinischen, byzantinischen und altenglischen Bereich in Ausgaben der Originaltexte mit parallelen englischen Übersetzungen. Der Ende 2020 herausgegebene vorliegende 62. Band der Reihe stellt die Appendix Ovidiana dar. Wie die Herausgeber [Ralph Hexter, Laura Pfuntner, and Justin Haynes] in ihrer Einführung bemerken, sind sie sich dessen bewusst, dass es nie eine abgegrenzte Sammlung Appendix Ovidiana gegeben hat, wie es wohl seit der Spätantike eine mehr oder weniger stabile Sammlung
Kalamazoo 2022: 20% Conference Discount on All DOML Volumes
The Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library is proud to participate in the virtual exhibits hall of the 57th annual International Congress on Medieval Studies, hosted by Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Everyone is invited to browse our virtual conference booth: no conference registration required! Use our online order form to get a 20% discount and free shipping in the US and Canada on all DOML volumes, including new titles: Biblical and Pastoral Poetry, by Alcimus Avitus, ed. and trans. Michael Roberts Animal Fables of
Review: Old English Legal Writings, by Wulfstan
The Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library is doing early medieval English studies proud with its oh-so-handsome editions and facing-page translations in affordable hardbacks, featuring clear print on nice paper with golden-brown covers and a built-in bookmark. The contents are as impressive as the volumes that contain them, with compact, thoughtful editions and readable translations undertaken by appropriate experts. It is noteworthy that the series is including not just Old English poetry but also a wide range of Old English prose, making
Review: Anonymous Old English Lives of Saints
Anonymous Old English saints’ lives form a major part of the corpus of surviving literature from early England. Compared to poetry or works by named authors like Ælfric, they have been mainly served by editors and translators piecemeal. Johanna Kramer, Hugh Magennis, and Robin Norris offer a welcome addition to the field with a new collection of Anonymous Old English Lives of Saints in fresh editions and translations. As the editors say, “The lives included in this collection are highly
Review: The Old English and Anglo-Latin Riddle Tradition
The Anglo-Saxon riddles are a fascinating verbal realm where ambiguity and polysemy, suggestion and a big dose of distraction and deflection make the rule rather than the exception. Andy Orchard paves a way through this slippery territory by bringing together in one place the entire riddle corpus, Latin and Old English, with a detailed and informative commentary. The size of the work alone bespeaks years of industrious effort. The author revisits all the riddles and the literature on them, and